Monday, November 5, 2007

The Future.....

I think part of the problem within education is our fear of the future. As long as we were able to "teach" the past, things were fine. Now that it is becoming very obvious that we need to prepare our students for their future, it is not so easy. Nonetheless, change we must. The world is not what it used to be and most businesses and industries are coming to grips with the difference. Education must also deal with this rapid change in the reality of the world. No longer can we teach about the past. We must prepare our students for their future.
It will be an interesting journey for us - to identify what we can use from the past to help us in the future. There are lessons, functions, and processes to be learned. Yet we must look into the future to help us identify what we need from the past to be successful in assisting our students to be capable in their future. These are difficult times, these are difficult decisions, yet our ability to address these issues is fundamental to our future success. Our children will inherit our world - will they be ready for the world they find?

Thursday, November 1, 2007


We are in the throws of a remarkable time.... leadership in education today is about vision. How do we prepare the students of today for the world that they will face? We MUST attempt to consider their world, we MUST attempt to wonder what they need. Leadership today is about the future - what will the students NEED to be successful in their world? This should be the conversation all educators have - looking at the world our children will inherit and providing the education for them to be successful in that world.


I'm taken aback....leadership is a very specific set of skills. I guess that leadership, currently, is seen as a condition of position - 'I am the principal or the superintendent'.... but it is NOT. Leadership is the ability to inspire and influence the movement toward student improvement. Position does not automatically make that happen. From the faculty/teachers, "I will ONLY listen to you if it makes sense to ME'. Student improvement is about making a difference. Does what I (as the leader) do help students make a difference or not? We are in a trying time, we must make a difference. This is a good thing. Can I get students to the next level? As so we should.....